Young at Heart

Are you 55 years of age or older and looking for a great group of people to share common interests with?  We have such a group that meets on the second Thursday of the month, September thru May, for a covered dish dinner and a program.  Church provides the meat, attendees bring a covered dish to share with 10-12.  Program begins at Noon and ends at 1:30 p.m.

GPC Hiking Club

Come experience God’s natural sanctuary in the great outdoors during a local hike.
All ability and experience levels welcome. We hike the third Saturday of the month, weather permitting. For more information email- or

Presbyterian Women’s Rummage Sale

The Rummage Sale happens once a year, announcements about its date, donation dates, and how to help are published in the Newsletter as the event is scheduled.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Should you or someone you know need virtual AA meetings, here is a link: