What is your Money $tory?

”Giving out of joy begins with a change in how we decide what to give.”

~Roy Howard, Presbyterian Today, April 2020

      As you think about your 2021 Stewardship Pledge we invite you to consider your ”Money Autobiography.” Considering our money story helps us to understand our relationship to money and reveals attitudes we formed in our childhood. Understanding these attitudes can help us think through how to teach compassionate giving to our children. There are no right or wrong answers, simply questions that can help us to clarify how we make financial decisions.

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Questions to contemplate as you reflect on your Money $tory

  • What is your earliest memory in connection with money?
  • What is your happiest memory in connection with money?
  • What event has brought you the greatest pain around money?
  • How does money – having it or not – affect your self-esteem?
  • How balanced are your giving and receiving?
  • Do you think charity can ever get in the way of justice? If so, why? If not, why not?
  • What feelings do you associate with spending money?
  • What feelings do you associate with saving money?
  • What feelings do you associate with giving money away?