New Here? Come on In!

Welcome to Gettysburg Presbyterian Church

We all were new at one time and we remember what it’s like. So we’ve provided the information below, knowing it’s easier to venture into a new place when you know what to expect! If you are seeking additional information, we invite you to join us in Fellowship Hall for coffee before or after service to meet members of the congregation. Additional information about our church is available at the Welcome Kiosk in the Fellowship Hall.

What to Expect

What is the style of your worship services?
We have Contemporary and Traditional services. All services are live-streamed on our main page.

During May 26th through Sept 1st:
9:30 Worship

Worship Services starting Sept 8th are:
8:30 Traditional
11:00 Contemporary

Our Contemporary service features a live praise band and a slide presentation. Our Traditional services feature hymns, a full choir, responsive liturgy, and a paper bulletin.

How long are your services?
All services are around an hour in length.

What should I wear?
Whatever you normally wear. We are more concerned with meeting you than with what you wear. At GPC you’ll see nearly every style of clothing.

How do I get there?
We are located in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania at 208 Baltimore Street. We are located two blocks south of Lincoln Square, on the corner of Baltimore and East High Streets.

Where should I park?
The church has a parking lot with an entrance off of High St. with several designated spaces for guests. Street parking (which is free on Sunday) is also available, as is parking at the nearby Middle School. From the parking lot, it is easiest to enter the building through the side entrance into the Fellowship Hall.

Where should I sit?
You may sit anywhere you wish in the sanctuary. Ask an usher if you need assistance.

Is the building handicapped accessible?
Yes. The sanctuary and Fellowship Hall are at ground level. We have an elevator to take you to other levels.

What are the provisions for children while I’m in the service?
All of God’s children are welcome in our Sanctuary. Worship bags filled with crayons and activity bulletins are provided at all worship services. In addition, we offer a well staffed and caring nursery at each worship service for newborns through toddlers, age three. During the 9:30 hour in the fall/winter/spring, children and youth (age 3 to Grade 12) are invited to attend Sunday School.

Do I have to believe in a certain Creed to attend worship?
No. Any one wanting to worship the Lord or learn about Christian faith is welcome to attend!

Do I have to say anything during the service?
No. You will not be singled out in any way.

What are your customs with the Lord’s Supper/Communion/Eucharist?
All are invited to participate in the Lord’s Supper. In our traditional services, people are usually served the bread and juice in their seats. In our Contemporary Service, people are usually invited to come forward to receive the bread and juice. No one is required to participate.

Do you take up a collection, and if so, how much should I give?
We do receive an offering each Sunday, an opportunity to give to God’s work in gratitude for all that God does for us. Offerings support the work of our church, local community assistance, and international missionaries and projects.

If I desire to join, how do I do that?
We offer an “Exploring Membership” class every few months which is an excellent introduction to the church. Following the class, you may join if you wish to.

What if I still have questions?
Call the church office 717-334-1235 or email us –