Our Livestream:

Summer Worship Schedule (May 26th through Sept 1st)

One worship service at 9:30a.m. (will  be live-streamed)
Children’s Church and Nursery will be available at this time.

Beginning September 8th, 2024

We will return to two services.

Traditional Service at 8:30
Sunday School and Fellowship hour at 9:45
Contemporary Service at 11:00

Adult Sunday School – starting in the fall, there will be several class options available for adults. Please check out our Grapevine Newsletter for more details.

Sunday School – starting in the fall, at 9:45 a.m. for children and youth ages 3 – High school.

Nursery Care – We offer a well-staffed and caring nursery at all worship services and during the Sunday School and Fellowship hour for newborns through toddlers up to age three.

Flowers – To order Sunday Chancel or piano flowers for the Sanctuary Flower Order Form


We are blessed with excellent vocal and instrumental music to enrich our worship. Our adult choir, high school choir, elementary school choir, primary choir and solos, duets and trios all share their musical gifts in worship.  Handbell choirs present their musical offerings periodically in worship. We have a high powered contemporary music team of 10 – 12 musicians and vocalists. Music Coordinator for contemporary worship is David Conklin.