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Adult Spiritual Development

It is Adult Discipleship’s goal to provide opportunities for continuing adult spiritual development while we are not able to meet in person. Some small group discussions can be at church as a choice. We do have a couple of individuals willing to be facilitators, to do both zoom and on-site meetings.

Small Groups meet twice each year

Online resources:
YouTube, along with our own streaming services, offers services and videos too numerous to mention –

Highlights include:

1. The Chosen series
2. Saddleback Church lecture series on many topics by Rick Warren and staff
3. Joni Eareckson interviews
4. Musical performances by The National Christian Choir and other artists
5. Lectures by John Piper and other well-known Christian apologists
6. Gospel for Life – Timothy Keller sermons
7. Video series such as Prodigal God and other books – videos that accompany books

Small group meeting topics could include:

1. Prayer group for our nation, church, community and individuals
2. Book study – book club with a suggested list
3. Bible studies
4. Spiritual Formation group following Renovare model

Books list

1. The Good and Beautiful God series (Good and Beautiful Life, Community) by James Bryant Smith
2. Books focused on the person of Jesus Christ: Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund (a good follow-up on Dave’s recent sermon series), Timothy Keller’s Jesus the King and his Encounters with Jesus
3. Books on the Christian Life: I know there are many, but here are some recently found –Life without Lack by Dallas Willard
–Hidden in Christ by James Bryant Smith
–Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee
–Dallas Willard trilogy (pretty heavy) Hearing God; Spirit of the Disciplines; The Divine Conspiracy

Congregational Life

Presbyterian Women

Four women’s groups meet monthly for Bible study, discussion and fellowship

Young at Heart

This group is for members and friends of our church who are 55 and older. It meets the 2nd Thursday September – June at 12 noon in Fellowship Hall.  Bring a covered dish to serve 8-12 and join us.

Men’s Interfaith Fellowship

This ecumenical monthly lunch meeting is for all men in Adams County. This group averages 35 – 40 attendees and enjoys a meal, some humor and some spiritual nourishment. This group meets first Wednesday of the month at noon.

Dinners for Seven or Eight

This annual dinner club venture matches groups of seven or eight people together to share a meal in a private home with each person or couple supplying a dish.

Christian Care

Our twelve member Board of Deacons engages in a ministry of compassion by visiting our elderly & shut-ins, providing meals for those who have recently returned from the hospital, delivering flowers to shut-ins and those hospitalized as well as ongoing monthly contact, care and support for at least one care-receiver.  Deacons also coordinate our Sunday Worship Ushers.  To learn more about Deacons or to inquire about receiving Deacon assistance, please contact the church office at 717-334-1235.

Faith Community Nurse, Pam Phillips, RN

What does your Faith Community Nurse (FCN) do?

The FCN works for you, the parishioners, and supports the well-being of the GPC membership and community members, providing one-on-one care.

The FCN promotes health and wholeness in the name of Jesus and provides spiritual, social, and emotional care.

How does the Faith Community Nurse (FCN) assist the parishioners of GPC?

Health Counselor: Pam listens and speaks with persons regarding their health issues. She is available to visit in the hospital, in nursing facilities, and in homes, as needed. She also offers her presence and prayer during times of crisis and celebration.

Advocate: Pam assists parishioners with any health-related needs and interests. She can accompany you to your doctors’ appointments (to be your eyes and ears) and help you to understand any test results, medications, and so forth so that you can make informed decisions. Confidentially, Pam can review your discharge instructions, medication lists, etc., to ensure you have a good understanding of your post-care or continuing care needs.

Health Educator: Pam provides health information and awareness about chronic conditions or diseases. She will be emphasizing preventative care through educational opportunities, screenings, and more (for example, blood pressure screening Sundays, keeping up first aid kits, etc.)

Spiritual Presence: As an FCN, Pam works with the GPC pastoral care team in the caregiving ministry of GPC by listening, praying, supporting, and encouraging through personal visits, telephone calls, and other forms of communication.

Resources: Pam works to link the GPC congregation members to community/spiritual resources.  She works alongside the Stephen Ministry and Deacon Ministry at GPC.

COVID 19 – Here are two links to help you deal with the stress and self-care suggestions:

Sanitizing Hints:

Stress Release: 

DIY Hand Sanitizer and Wipes:

Personal Health Booklet:

Advanced Directive Information: 

To contact Pam, call 410-596-0777 or email

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are laypeople — Christian men and women — trained to provide one-to-one care of people experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation or separation due to military deployment. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life. Their commonality? A passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. Since 1976, more than 600,000 people from more than 12,000 congregations and other organizations have been trained as Stephen Ministers. For more information call the church office at 717-334-1235.

Support Groups

Support groups for bereavement, divorce recovery and cancer recovery are held periodically as interest warrants.

Christian Education Ministry


Sunday School
Preschool (3 and 4 year olds) through Kindergarten
First, Second and Third Graders
Fourth and Fifth Graders

Youth Club, for children and grades 3 – 5, is our youth program held at the church on Sunday afternoons from 4:30 to 6:00pm during the school year. This year we will be offering dinner. There will be an informational night on Sept 10th at 6:30pm. Youth Club Registration Form

Vacation Bible School, held for one week during the summer offers an interactive Christian learning experience for children, ages 3 (potty trained) through grade 5.  Dates for 2025 TBD.


The Upper Room – a combined Sunday School class for Middle and High School will be meeting in person at 9:45am in the Youth Room on the 3rd floor. If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Clark –

Work camp, a one-week long summer mission trip to repair homes of low-income people somewhere in the US, is the annual mission trip of High School Ministries.


Adult Sunday School Class meets in the MacAskill Room downstairs at 9:45am. Topics and teachers vary through-out the year. Starting Sept 10th there will be a 6 week class titled “Narrative and Stories that Create Cultural, National, and Religious Identity. It will be co-presented by Dr. Tamara Schwartz and Dr. Stephen Stern.

Family Class – Starting Sept 10th at 9:45am in the Eisenhower Lounge. For parents and caregivers of children and youth! The purpose of the class is to form new relationships, tackle difficult issues, and commiserate with one another about parenting over Scripture with laughter, tears, and food.

Middle School Ministry

Middle School Ministry (called MID-SHIP)

Welcome to our Mid-Ship Youth Ministry

We have a wonderful Middle School Fellowship (Mid-Ship) group at Gettysburg Presbyterian Church. One basic goal for this group is to have each child feel valued as part of the fellowship and as an individual within the church family. Another goal is to foster an attitude of respect for each other within the Mid-Ship group that allows each child to ask questions and grow spiritually.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the Middle School Fellowship, please contact Rev. Peter Roy at (717) 334-1325 or

High School Ministry

High School Ministry (Called SHIP)

Meeting from 5:30pm to 7:00pm most Sundays, we seek to be a safe place where we will grow together in faith, friendship and fellowship with God and one another. We hope to see you some evening!

Questions regarding the high school ministry contact the church.

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Summer Mission Trip

Workcamp, a one week long summer mission trip to repair homes of low income people somewhere in the US, is the annual climax of the High School year.

Music Ministry


The Music Program of the Gettysburg Presbyterian Church

We currently have opportunities for a brass quintet, women’s choir, flute choir, youth orchestra, instrumental soloists who are needed for anthem and hymn accompaniments, piano/organ duets and hand bell duet/trio/quartet. God has given us many talents and we rejoice in sharing them with the congregation and with our concert audiences. If you would like to use your talents at Gettysburg Presbyterian Church, please contact me. Jamie Bowman can be reached at I look forward to hearing from you!

Choir Opportunities for Adults

Adult Choir
This choir presents the anthem at the 11:00 Sunday service. It rehearses in the balcony of the sanctuary from 7:00-8:30 on Wednesday evening, September through June. Major works and instrumental accompaniments are a part of program. The director is David Conklin.

Early Choir
This choir is responsible for quick learning! It rehearses in the Music Room at 7:40 am on Sunday, then sings at the 8:15 service. This is the choir for you if have limited rehearsal time in your schedule. The Director is David Conklin.

Adult Hand Bell Choir
This group rehearses at 6.00 pm on Wednesday evening in the Music Room. They play at the 8:15 or 11:00 service once a month. Sometimes smaller groups are used for hymn or anthem accompaniment. Director: Jamie Bowman.

Choir Opportunities for Children

Kids Choir
The Kids Choir is for students in Pre-K through 5 grade meets every other Sunday morning for fun group activities, singing, and movement with some involvement with instruments.  The Kids Choir will sing for the congregation several times throughout the year. Director: Krystal Nolte.  For more information contact the church office.

Choir Opportunities for Youth

Youth Choir
What an enthusiastic bunch! Youth in grades 6-12 get together at 4:00 Sunday afternoon to prepare music to present in a Sunday morning service once a month. This choir is directed by Jamie Bowman.

Youth Bell Choir
The learning of hand bell techniques continues. This group of 6-12th graders meets at 4:30 Sunday afternoon. The choir plays at a Sunday morning service once a month and is under the direction of Jamie Bowman.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

While the theme of our 4 day Vacation Bible School is still being decided, children while learn about the Bible by adventuring through creative activities, drama, singing, snacks, and Scripture.

Dates for 2025 TBA.

The program is open to all children ages 3 (potty trained) through Grade 5 (completed). Dates to be determined but each day will run from 9:00 am- 12:15 pm.

Youth Club

                                     YOUTH CLUB WEEKLY UPDATES

Youth Club meets most Sundays from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. It is an afternoon of games, crafts, snacks and of course, Scripture and Jesus.

If your 3rd through 5th grader would like to join us, please fill out a permission form and return it to Kyle in the church office.