The Session

Class of 2024
Mary Flinner
Hank Har
Tom Kolmer
Peter North
Lloyd Schaeffer

Class of 2025
Mike Brubaker
Brian Campbell
Nancy Cook
Whitney Coombs
Larry Wolf

Class of 2026
Dave Boyer
Kelly Jones
Richard Hagee
Merida Hurkett
Shane Sellers

Board of Deacons

The role and position of Deacons date back to the early church and have their Biblical roots in the sixth chapter of Acts. The office of Deacon set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ.

The 12 member board meets monthly, except for the summer break (July and August). Modeling their ministry after Christ, Deacons serve through witnessing, service, and sympathy. Each Deacon has at least one person for whom he/she is a conduit for Christian caregiving. Through one-to-one interaction such as phone calls, personal visits, and prayer each Deacon offers the loving care of Christ to their care receiver. Deacons provide many forms of care for members and friends of the GPC family. It might be a ride to worship or some other church function for a member who is unable to drive. It might be a visit and/or delivery of a DVD or VHS tape of the Sunday morning worship service to a homebound member who cannot attend services. Deacons also provide Congregational care including meals and rides for members who need assistance due to illness, births, accidents, and other situations.

To learn more about Deacons or to inquire about receiving Deacon assistance, contact the church office at 717-334-1235.

Class of 2024
Eleanor Bilz
Ross Brownley
Jane Gwyn
Linda MacAskill

Class of 2025
Elly Cleaver
Don Stabler
Stephen Swartzbaugh
Patty Welles

Class of 2026
Leslie Casteel
Lois Kime
Sarah Kirk
Mary Ann Remaley